Audience Tab - Domains and People

Within each audience under the Audience Tab there are two sub-tabs for defining the domains and adding individuals to an audience.

Domains Sub-Tab

A domain is a type of data used to categorize users, such as "Job Title", "Business Unit", or "Manager/Not". On the Domain sub-tab, you can select all the domain categories that your audience consists of.

You can select domains using the Domain drop-down list, the Search field, or by browsing the full list of domains. When you have selected the domain(s) you want, click the Add button in the middle of the screen. The domain(s) you selected will appear in the right-hand Mapping panel.

Below the right-hand Mapping box are the options for how multiple domains should be joined together. You will need to select an option for both the Join and Extent fields.

Join: And; Extent: Include All
This is the default. When this is selected, the audience will include all users who are members of the selected domain elements.  In the example above, the audience would include users who are a part of either the No Company company or the Acme company and are an Account Manager, Accounting Manager, or Accounting Supervisor.
Join: Or; Extent: Include All
Changing the “and” to “or” broadens your audience.  Now users just have to be in one selected element to be a part of the audience.  In the mapping above, the audience would include all users who a member of the No Company company or a member of the Acme company or have one of the selected job titles.
Join: And, Extent: Exclude All
Changing the “include all” to “exclude all” essentially flips who is in your audience.  If the audience pictured above were to be joined with “Add; Exclude All,” then it will include all users in the LMS except users who are a part of either the No Company company or the Acme company and are an Account Manager, Accounting Manager, or Accounting Supervisor.
Join: Or, Extent: Exclude All
Changing the “include all” to “exclude all” essentially flips who is in your audience.  If the audience pictured above were to be joined with “Or; Exclude All,” then it would include all users in the LMS except users who a member of the No Company company or a member of the Acme company or have one of the selected job titles.

People Sub-Tab

The People tab can be used to add individual people to an audience that may not already be included in the domains you selected, or to exclude individuals within a domain you selected. The People Tab can also be used for all audience mapping, allowing an administrator to create a “hand-picked” audience that is not reliant on domains.

To add people, enter the person's last name or employee number. Their name will automatically appear in a drop-down, as you type. Select the correct name, and click the Add button. By default, the name will appear in the Include panel. To add a person to the Exclude list, select the Add to Exclude List radio button, before you click Add.

To remove names from the list, select the check box next to the name and click the Remove button, or click Clear List to start completely over.

‎Add People from Clipboard

You can also add users from a previously saved Excel or text file.
Click the Add From Clipboard button to call up a pop-up window.

Select one of the following options:

Add people to the “include” list
These users will be included in the audience.
Add people to the “exclude” list
These users will not be included in the audience, even if they are a part of the domain mapping.
Remove people from the “include” list
If you are editing an audience that has been set up, this is an efficient way to remove people from the include list.
Remove people from the “exclude” list
If you are editing an audience that has been set up, this is an efficient way to remove people from the exclude list.

Click Next to continue.

Select the type of data that will be used, and select what separates the data. If all of the data is in a column or row in Excel, leave it at the “Tab” default. Click Next to continue.

Paste the selected data onto the clipboard and click Next to continue.

The system will alert you to any data that it could not read. If there are any errors, correct the data in your source document, then click the Previous button to repaste the information. When all information is correct, click the Finish button.

The names that you pasted on to the clipboard will now appear on the screen.

Related Links

To learn more about audience mapping and management, select from the list below or from Help navigation.

About Audience Mapping

The Audience Tab

Viewing Course Audience